MakeShift Helps North American Businesses Navigate Vaccine Mandates Through In-App Tracking of Staff COVID-19 Vaccination Status

CALGARY, Alberta—MakeShift, an employee scheduling app for multiple industries, including healthcare, retail, restaurant, and professional services has recently added features to facilitate the tracking of self-reported employee COVID-19 vaccination status.

On September 9th the Biden administration announced that private companies with more than 100 employees and federal agencies must ensure that their employees are vaccinated or regularly tested. HR leaders across the US now have the added burden of accurately monitoring their employees’ immunization status.

With a large number of US clients, MakeShift has updated its existing features to facilitate the tracking of COVID-19 vaccination records giving HR managers the tools needed to improve workforce planning, ensure business continuity, and keep customers safe.

MakeShift is also working with businesses in its home province of Alberta where the government recently announced new regulations and a pending vaccine passport program.

Additionally, the MakeShift app is easing the transition to the hybrid workforce. By allowing staff to indicate when they would like to come in to work as well as see who is in the office and who is remote, MakeShift lets HR leaders effectively manage facility occupancy rates and maximize in-person interaction.

“When you look at the North American market, small and medium sized enterprises represent over 90% of businesses. Many of these organizations suffered greatly due to COVID-19. Now as these businesses start rebounding and look to hire and retain employees, new requirements are being put on them every other day. We want to make sure we give them the tools they need to bring their people back safely and keep their business running,” said Adam Greenberg, CEO, MakeShift.

MakeShift is providing free system set-up and extended trials to businesses that need a scheduling solution to address the latest COVID-19 related requirements.

Learn More About MakeShift's Vaccination Status Tracking & Hybrid Office Scheduling

About MakeShift

MakeShift ( is an online employee scheduling app that empowers businesses to build employee schedules in less time with none of the hassles of clunky, error-prone systems of the past, creating happier teams that drive growth. MakeShift offers free employee scheduling demos and one-to-one customer support to managers and owners looking to put their PeopleFirst™ and make employee scheduling PainFree™.

Established in 2014 to address the need for web and mobile-based scheduling for the healthcare industry, MakeShift has grown to serve organizations of all sizes in hospitality, fitness/recreation, retail, and health care including Fuel City, La Senza, and Alberta Health Services. MakeShift seamlessly integrates with industry leading human resource and payroll tools.


The Financial Post recognizes MakeShift's agility and innovation in supporting businesses scheduling frontline workers amid vaccine mandates and changing workplace health policies.


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